Formation of winches Flag Force Heritage of 1967 and 1968
In 1967, Hussein called President Suharto Mutahar to handle anymore
Heritage Flag hoisting problem. With the basic idea of execution in 1946 in Yogyakarta, he later developed more formation flying of into 3 groups, namely:
• Group 17 / accompanist (GUIDE)• Group 8 / HOST (CORE)• Group 45 / Guards
It is a symbol of the Independence Proclamation dated August 17, 1945 (17-8-45). At that time the situation existing conditions, his son involved in the Jakarta area and became members of the Scout / Boy Scouts to perform tasks Heritage Flag hoisting.
Originally he planned to group 45 (bodyguard) will consist of the Student Military Academy (Youths Armed Forces). Another proposal to use the Armed Forces Special Forces members (such as RPKAD, PGT, Marines and BRIMOB) is also not easy, eventually taken from the Presidential Guard (PASWALPRES) that can easily be reached and once they are on duty at the State Palace in Jakarta.Heritage Flag raisers the first timePaskibra smp n 2 banjoRed and White will not be flying 64 years ago with no official role pengibarnya. If it is so, not this nation will also enjoy many of the familiar figure kemerdekaannya.Tidak raisers Sang Saka Merah Putih when the text was read the Proclamation on August 17, 1945. In fact, his picture easily found in many history books. The man was none other shorts Ilyas Karim.Elias is now active as Chairman of the Foundation Fighting Siliwangi Indonesia, aveterans associations, was the only witness to the history of the moments of the proclamation of the living.Life Ilyas who had contributed to the various missions crushing the rebellion the government received less attention. He did not seek full recognition, but that was supposed to get the man who also had participated in a peace mission in Congo Garuda II, in 1961 ago. "He (the government) know, we struggled," said Elias disappointed.
However, this retired Lieutenant Colonel did not want to sue a lot. Elias just wanted to spend his old age by looking at the independence of the Indonesian people. He hopes the younger generation would appreciate the struggle of the hero by filling out a better life.
Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia was played on Friday, August 17, 1945, at 10:00 on the Road East Pegangsaan No. 56 Jakarta. After the declaration of independence, for the first time officially National Flag was unfurled by the Red White and Suhud Hendaningrat Latif. S. The flag is the result of tailoring Ms. Fatmawati Sukarno and then the flag is called "Flag Heritage" Heritage flag flying day and night in the rain, shot up to the capital of the Republic of Indonesia moved to Yogyakarta in 1948 1946.Pada Netherlands launched its military aggression. At that time the capital of Indonesia in Yogyakarta, Mr. Husein Mutahar (Mr. Paskibraka-red) was commissioned by President Sukarno to save the Flag Heritage. (Penyelematan Flag is one part of history to establish waving the Red and White at Persada Mother Earth) To save the Flag Heritage was forced Mr. Hussein Mutahar must separate between the red and white. Finally with the help of my mother breathing Dinata stitches between the flag is successfully separated. The next two sections respectively in the store as the basis for the second bag's next Mr Husein Mutahar bag filled with clothes and his personal equipment. Flag happenings are separated, because at that time he had thought that after the split flag of the flag can not be said because only a piece of cloth. This is done in order to avoid confiscation of the party long after the president handed Belanda.Tak Heritage Flag, he was arrested and exiled by the Dutch together with the Vice President and other presidential staff to Muntok, Sumatra Bangka. Around mid-June 1948 Mr Husein Mutahar received news from Mr Soejono, the contents of the notice that is a personal letter from the President on her that in essence the President instructed Mr Hussein to relinquish Mutahar Heritage Flag to He by the hand of Mr Soejono hereinafter be brought and Heritage Flag submitted to the President in place of exile (Muntok, Bangka). After learning that, with a borrowed sewing machine owned by the wife of a physician, Heritage Flag separated into two parts was put back together exactly in its original position, but about 2 cm from the tip of the flag there is little jahit.Selanjutnya error flag is handed over to Mr Soejono in accordance with the contents of the warrant of the President.
2. Red Flag-raising at Gedung Agung Yogyakarta WhiteBy the anniversary of Indonesian Independence II (1946-ed), the President called one of his aides, that Mr Major Sea (L) Husein Mutahar (which will save the Flag Heritage-ed). Next assign the task to prepare and lead the anniversary ceremony of the Proclamation of Independence August 17, 1946 at the Presidential Palace Home Page Great House Yogyakarta (in 1946 the capital of Indonesia in Yogyakarta-ed). At that time, Mr. Hussein Mutahar have thought that in order to develop a sense of national unity then Heritage Flag-raising should be done by the youth in Indonesia. Then he pointed to five young men comprising of 3 sons and 2 daughters regional representatives who are in Yogyakarta.Formasi raising this up to a year 1948.Pada dated July 6, 1949 the President with the Vice President arrived back in Yogyakarta from Bangka (where exile-red) to bring back Heritage Flag. December 27, 1949 the signing of the manuscript recognition of sovereignty in the Netherlands and change the shape of the Indonesian state became the Republic of Indonesia States and hand over power in Jakarta. While the transfer of sovereignty from the Republic of Indonesia to the United States of Indonesia conducted in Yogyakarta.Tanggal December 28, 1949 The President returned to Jakarta in order to assume office as President of the Republic of Indonesia States. After four years of abandonment, again became the capital of Indonesia Jakarta and on the same day also brought to the Flag Heritage Jakarta.Untuk first anniversary date of the Proclamation of Independence August 17, 1950 held at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta. Heritage Red and White Flag flying proudly in pole seventeen and was greeted with great excitement by the whole nation Indonesia.Regu-raisers of the year 1950-1966 squad was formed and regulated by the Presidential Household.3. Experimental Establishment Borer Flag Force Heritage of 1967 and the First Army of 1968In 1967 Mr. Husein Mutahar summoned by President Soeharto to deal with more problems hoisting of the Flag Heritage. With the basic idea of execution in 1946 in Yogyakarta (5 person-red), and then he developed a more formation flying of into 3 (three) groups: Group 17/Pengiring (Wizard), Group 8/Pembawa (Core), Group 45 / Guards. It is a symbol taken from the date of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia August 17 1945Pada moment with the existing circumstances, he involves the son of local levels in Jakarta and a member of the Scout / Boy Scouts to perform tasks Pusaka.Semula hoisting of the flag he plans to group 45 (guard) will consist of the Student Military Academy (ABRI Youths-red), but at that time holiday lectures and transfortasi a constraint-Jakarta Magelang, making it difficult for others to use dilaksanakan.Usul elite forces Armed Forces (RPKAD, PGT, Marines, BRIMOB) is also not easy. Finally taken from the Presidential Guard (PASWALPRES) that can easily be reached and once they are on duty at the Palace Jakarta.Tahun 1968, Heritage is the official flag raisers provincial youth delegates. But not all provinces sent representatives and should be supplemented by ex-members of the army in 1969 because of the Flag Heritage 1967.Tahun conditions are too old so it is not possible to be flown back, then be made to duplicate. To be flown on the pole 17 Meters Merdeka Palace, has been available from Red Flag White Flag material (wool) sewn lengthwise 3 pieces of red cloth and 3 pieces of white cloth elongated straw-kuningan.Bendera Heritage Flag Red White duplicates that will be distributed to the regions ideally made of natural silk and weaving tools native to Indonesia, the colors red and white woven directly into one without stitches and colors associated with red paint original dye Indonesia.Pembuatan Duplicate Heritage Flag was carried by the Bandung Textile Research Institute, assisted by Ratna at Ciawi PT Bogor. In practice the manufacture of duplicate Flag of Heritage, is difficult to meet the ideal conditions specified Mr Husein Mutahar, because Indonesia does not have the original paint color of the standard red and manufacture with no engine loom will lama.Tanggal August 5, 1969 at the State Palace in Jakarta last ceremony Duplicates Heritage Flag Red White and Reproductive Manuscript Proclamation by President Soeharto to the Governor / Head of the Provincial All-Indonesian. This is so that at the time of Independence anniversary memorial service in each region can be flown duplicate Heritage Flag and the reading of the Proclamation manuscript along with Independence Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony conducted at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta. Furthermore, both objects were also distributed to the Regional Level II as well as representatives of the Republic of Indonesia outside negeri.Bendera Duplicates began to replace the flag was unfurled at the Heritage Celebration of Indonesian Independence Proclamation of August 17, 1969 at the Merdeka Palace, while the flag and pick up escort duty Heritage Flag Duplicates are raised / lowered. In the same year the official members are teenagers SMTA Paskibraka a homeland which is the delegates from each province. Every province in remaja.Pada represented by a pair of 1973 Idik Mr. Sulaiman asked a name for
members of the flag raisers as Paskibraka Heritage. PAS acronym of the Army, KiB acronym of the raisers, RA flag means, KA means Heritage. From now on the official's flag stands for Heritage Forces is Paskibraka to date.Summarized dariBuku Memories 25 YearsYouths Development PASKIBRAKADirektoratDG Diklusepora DepdikbudTahun 1993A few days before the anniversary of Independence first. President Sukarno gave the task to his aide, Maj. M. Husein Mutahar to prepare the ceremony peringatanDetik-Detik Indonesian Independence Proclamation of August 17, 1946, the Great House are at the Presidential Palace in Yogyakarta at the time, an idea flashed in the mind of Mutahar. It would be nice if the national unity can be preserved to the younger generation who would replace the leaders of that time. The flag-raising heritage could become a symbol of the continuity of the values of the struggle. Therefore, the pemudalah who must fly the flag heritage. From there then formed groups flag heritage, ranging from five young people - girls in 1946, which describes Pancasila.Namun, Mutahar dream if one day the flag is heritage youths delegates from all regions in Indonesia. Upon returning to the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, from the 1950 flag raising heritage held at the Merdeka Palace in Jakarta. Raisers teams established and regulated by the Presidential Household Rl until 1966. The flag raisers were indeed young, but has not represented what he had in mind Mutahar. In 1967, Husain Mutahar again summoned by President Soeharto to be consulted and take care of the flag raising heritage. Call it, for Mutahar like "get a windfall" because it means he can continue his ideas form the army of young people from all over Indonesia. implicit in the minds of Husain Mutahar finally become a reality. After a trial held the previous year, then in 1968 are brought to the youth delegates from all over the Indonesian region to fly the flag heritage. Unfortunately, not all provinces can send their emissaries, so that the heritage of the flag raisers troops might still be added to the former members of the forces in 1967.Selama six years, 1967-1972, heirloom flag was unfurled by the youth delegates with the title "Flag Borer Force Heritage" . Name, at that time was not yet a major concern, because the most important goal by flying the flag of the youth delegates heritage areas had become a reality. In preparing troops Heritage Flag Borer, Husein Mutahar Director General Udaka (Youth Affairs and Scout)
certainly can not work alone. Since late 1967, he gained the support of Drs Idik Sulaiman who was transferred to the Ministry of Education and Culture (from the Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts) as the Head of Development and Training. Idik famous character is very neat and meticulous work, and prepare training concept perfectly, both in the field of physical, mental, and spiritual. Exercise which is a derivation of the Scout concept was named "Exercise Mother Pandu Indonesia Ber-Pancasila". After completing the training syllabus with various attributes and uniforms, in 1973 Idik Sulaiman asked a new idea to Mutahar. "What if the flag raisers troops heritage we give a new name," he said. Mutahar is none other than former coach enforcement of the Scout Movement Idik nodded his head. So, then meluncurlah an antique-shaped name acronym is pronounced somewhat difficult for the person who first called it. Acronyms that are Paskibraka, which stands for Heritage Forces flag raisers. "Pas" is derived from the troops, "KiB" from acting like, 'ra' of said flags and "ka" from the word heritage. Idik an art scholar graduate Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) rose too soon play kelentikan hand in making sketches. As a result, the various attributes used Paskibraka, ranging from Seal Members, Coat Corps, Kendit Proficiency until Inauguration alerts (Red-White Badge Garuda / MPG). Paskibraka name and a new attribute that is used since 1973 until now. Difficult to mention the acronym Paskibraka really had said the error resulted in a number of television reporter while reporting live broadcast flag raising heritage every August 17 at Merdeka Palace. In fact, not infrequently there are print journalists who wrote it wrong in the news, for example with "Paskibrata". But, for members Paskibraka, Full (former) Paskibraka nor those involved in it, said Paskibraka has become something sacred and full kebanggaan.Memang ever, a time Paskibraka name will be replaced, even the army would be liquidated. That happened in 2000 when President of the Republic of Indonesia is held by KH Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur. The word "heritage" in the acronym Paskibraka considered Gus Dur contain the meaning of "heresy". Fortunately, with the hard struggle of the people who played a major role in the history of Paskibraka, Gus Dur's intention eventually to liquidate Paskibraka can be prevented. Moreover, Government Regulation no. 40 of 1958 on Nationality Flag of the Republic of Indonesia, in Article 4 clearly states(1) Nationality Flag FLAG PUSAKA is used in the ceremony at Jakarta's Independence Proclamation on August 17, 1945.(2) FLAG PUSAKA only flown on 17 August.(3) The provisions of Article 22 does not apply to FLAG PUSAKA. (Article 22: When the National Flag in a state in such a way that does not deserve to be flown again, then that flag should be destroyed by remembering his position, or burned). That means, if the President insisted on changing the name Paskibraka, means he violated the PP. 40 of 1958. The President finally not so dissolve Paskibraka, but requested his name be changed to "Red Army flag-White" only. This is in-iyakan alone, but on broadcast television and mass media, the name of the troops was never replaced. Paskibraka who had undergone over 32 years of history remain as it is, until Gus Dur himself is deposed.:
paski8bra teruslah berkarya>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>..............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!salam paskibra..............corsaaaaa