Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

paskibra smp n 2 bnajr

  * Paskibra NEDUBA (BARPAZ)

greetings Paskibra ....................
.......... ..... Corsa Corsa Corsa
ngabatinnnnnnnn ..........????????????????
aja bissssssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaaaa .................

Paskibra smp 2 banjo is the country's top organization in smp n 2 banjo.within Paskibra smp n 2 banjo is a lot of material that d have to say.
example only:

* The correct way to flag raisers
* How to get along in Paskibra
* How to dress Dlm Paskibra
* United Nations the right way
* And history history associated with Paskibra

although members Paskibra bit but it was outstanding.UN commander Paskibra smp 2 banjo is

Marja sandy 

            paskibra is often held as in HARD TRAFEL champion, became  
champion to 1.and won a city LTUB banjo, and will race again representing the provincial town of Banjar.
positions in Paskibra sbgi indemnity, and in Dlm ceremony became the flag raisers.

These children Paskibra smp 2 banjo:
nendah, martial, primanie was DP Paskibra smp 2 banjo period 2009/2010
the far right is the chairman Paskibra, central secretary, who left treasurer
positions in Paskibra become chairman, secretary, Dlm become the holder of the flag ceremony, protocol, pimpas 3.

gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Devan, password, ruby, sundu, bambangdewvanj kang position in Paskibra be w.ketua, password indemnity, ruby adpas, sundu adpas, bambang indemnity.
at the ceremony to be Pinups, raisers, borers, pimpas 1, pimpas2.

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