Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010


Makna Sang Merah PutihMenurut kamus umumbahasa INDONESIA,Bendera berarti : Sepotongkain segi empat atau segitiga diberi tongkat (bertiang) dipergunakan sebagai lambing, tanda dan sebagainyaseperti panjipanji dan tunggul.Bendera merah putihmempunyai kedudukan yang tinggi, menurutpandangan masyarakat INDONESIA, sehinggabegelar SANG MERAH PUTIH yang berartibendera warisan yang dimuliakan, yang merupakanlambang Kentuckian dan kedaulatanNegara.Bersama lagu kebangsaan INDONESIA RAYA, bendera MERAH PUTIH merupakan pinantilambang bangsa mulai 28 Oktober 1928.Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 40 tahun 1958 ditetapkan tentangbendera kebangsaan Negara RI (26 Juni 1958, lembaran Negara nomor 1933) di undangkan 10 Juli 1958,hal terpenting diantaranya :
1. Bendera Pusaka ialah Bendera concussing yang digunakan pada upacara Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Jakarta 17 diAgustus 1945 (pasal 4 ayat 1)
2. Bendera Pusaka hanya dikibarkan pada tanggal 17 Agustus (pasal 4 ayat 2)
3. Pada waktu upacara penaikan dan penurunan bendera kebangsaan, maka semua yang hadir tegak, berdiam – diri sambil menghadap muka kepada bendera sampai upacara selesai (pasal 20)
4. Pada waktu dikibarkan atau dibawa bendera kebangsaan tidak boleh menyinggung tanah, air atau bendalainnya (pasal 20 ayat 1)
5. Pada bendera kebangsaan tidak boleh ditaruh lencana, huruf, kalimat, angka, gambar atau tanda – tandalainnya (pasal 21)

re our children for the task which is very historic, congratulations on duty, God is with us.So.hopefully the younger generation is ready to defend his nation sekarah Indonesia with the way things go in the event that his positive c ppi mandate banjo cityLet us begin, our activities today with praise and gratitude to God Almighty, for His grace and blessing, we all still be given the opportunity, strength and good health to continue the task and our devotion to our nation and beloved country. On behalf of state and government, as well as personally, I congratulate all members Paskibraka In 2010 the soon, God willing, will carry a very noble task in the framework of our country's Independence Day celebration in the year 2010.Younger siblings are the nation's best sons and daughters who have been selected, trained, and trained to carry out this historic task. Therefore, carry out this important task with the best. I also hope that what will you implement in the series of our Independence Day celebration is to increase the motivation to do you all better serve the people and the nation toward a future career that you aspire to all.I am on this excellent opportunity, want to convey hope and direction to all members Paskibraka, so you all can achieve the ideals that you expect. I want to say is really no other is how the sons and daughters of Indonesia, Indonesian youth to navigate the career journey towards a better future, because all know that there is no soft way to achieve that noble goal, will be many challenges, obstacles, and exams in front of you all.Therefore, who will succeed are those who are able to overcome all the challenges, obstacles, and test it. Therefore, the Indonesian youth, sons and daughters of Indonesia must have a strong character and the perspective or the right mindset, so once again, your career forward will always succeed.Five things you need to bear in mind, grow, and develop in the course of a career in the future. First is that you must truly be sons and daughters of people who believe and character.Secondly, you should always sharpen the science to really become human beings are intelligent and rational Indonesia.The third, facing challenges of the times, the challenge of globalization, and the era of transformation in our country, you are expected to always be innovative and develop a superior culture, the culture of excellence, not just run something, but it runs very well do the best, do your best .Fourthly, there is   nothing easy to reach, almost certainly you will face problems, challenges, trials, temptations, tests that seems   not easy to overcome. Therefore, you all must have the mentality and spirit, must be the can do spirit. If we     have the mental must be, as heavy as any problem faced by any road, God willing, there is a solution. But if     you give up, assume everything is difficult and there is no way out, indeed you will never find a solution and a   way out.Then a fifth, above all, you must be a patriot who is responsible. Indonesian children who truly love    the nation and country, really loves his homeland, as you declared the last to become a member Paskibraka.That is five characters and five points of view you have to get up and establish present and future.  Still in relation to it all, I hope you all can just stay away, get rid of the nature and perspective that would   hinder your journey ahead to achieve my goals all of you.First, Do you have a character and attitude of a  skeptical and pessimistic. Second, do not like to think a negative, cynical. We will not become a cynical nation. Fourthly, do not be too easy and too fond of blaming others, but often to do introspection, introspective to discover what is not correct, what is wrong to make corrections and improvements so you get better eventually. And the fifth, also above all do not be a man who does not believe, believe in superstitions    and things that are not rational.Insha Allah, with the blessings of God Almighty, if you remember to run it five   nature, character, and had a good outlook and vice versa avoid, prevent, not stuck to the five properties and   a bad way of looking at you, then you are open future good, And that's where you, God willing, with our         prayers all the rays you will grow up taders and leaders in the country we both love this in the future.Finally, to face the task on 17 August, I hope you all concentrate, maintain good health, maintain physical, so the task      can be performed well. To the ranks of other Paskibraka, I also congratulate assigned to the builder, coach,    nanny I thank you and appreciation for all efforts and his efforts to galvanize, educate, prepaontaoh entry in     the organization PaskibraGREETINGS greetings Paskibra Paskibra ................................ ..............  

GREETINGS .........corsaaa

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